Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Why can't they just stay little?

I often wish my bambinas would just stay little, even though I do enjoy watching them learn and evolve into these impressive young ladies, I just know that one day I'm going to miss something as simple as holding their tiny lil hands! So I decided to make an updated version of the finger paint hand print. First I laid down in a grid like pattern some blue painters tape (I use this tape because it lifts off easily without damaging the picture) then, and this takes patience, I talked my daughter into holding her hand very still while I traced an outline in pen. After I sent her on her merry way, I took a sharp pair of scissors and cut the hand print out then laid it down on a piece of my kids watercolor paper (make sure to smooth it out very well, removing any bubbles and the "fingers" need to be pressed absolutely flat so paint doesn't seep under them ruining the finished result) Once you have it ready to paint (I used just simple acrylic paint from Michaels) take a small craft sponge paint brush and paint an even layer over the entire picture, if you want a white border like I did just tape off the edges too, once the paint is dry you can remove the tape and voila, you have a cute little hand print of your child. To dress it up I purchased a cheap $ store frame, painted it with some leftover primer I had lying around. Then when that was dry I gingerly sponge painted the same pink paint over it to give it a sort of vintage look. This entire project cost maybe $3 per child! Not bad considering I now have a beautiful reminder of how precious that hand is and will always be to me!

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